The blog posts, videos and other content published on this site contain links to affiliate products. If you go to that product’s site by clicking the link and buy the product, I will get a small commission.
Why have I include affiliate links?
My goal is to help you build a successful online business. Everything on this site is free – you never have to pay for it. But I do need to earn money to cover the cost of running the site and to pay my bills. That’s why I use affiliate links.
Does that mean my recommendations are biased in favor of affiliate products?
No way!
I only recommend products I use myself. There are many products I recommend that do not pay me anything. My reputation as a good, reliable coach if far more important than pushing an affiliate product.
You see, if I recommend a bad product, the word will spread quickly about it. No one will come to my site or follow my advice. So it’s in my interest to always give the right recommendation to my community.
I have not received any free products, services or anything else by any company in exchange for recommending / reviewing their product. I only receive affiliate fee from them.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me vishal at internetbusinesscoach dot net.
Thank you for being a part of the community and all the best for building your online business!